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4 participants
Vulgarisateur touche-à-tout taxonomico-dépendant et Gardien d'éthique (et tac !)

Nombre de messages : 2027
Masculin Age : 46
Date d'inscription : 11/12/2007

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MessageSujet: Aider la recherche ou bosser dedans...   Aider la recherche ou bosser dedans... Icon_minitimeJeu 27 Jan 2011, 11:19


étant donné que je reçois assez régulièrement des annonces pour bosser/travailler/tourismer avec la recherche sur les reptiles (mais en anglais les petits amis), je me suis dit plutôt que de les garder pour moi qui n'ai pas de temps et pas d'argent, je vais vous les transmettre. Je ne fais bien sûr pas passer les "15 years of field experience required". Certaines seront intéressantes, d'autres non, à vous de voir.

ATTENTION : Je ne traduis pas les offres en anglais.

1. Pour 1995$ (c'est à vous de payer hein Very Happy ), participer au marquage de Cyclura Cyclura, Iguane des Bahamas
C'est ici : http://www.sheddaquarium.org/pdf/Iguana_Andros_2011.pdf et c'est fin Avril - début Mai 2011.

Le "tourisme de recherche" est une activité en plein développement ; certains la conspuent, d'autres non....personnellement, je pense que ça dépend comment c'est pratiqué...le shedd aqua est en général sérieux....

2. Boulot de technicien de surveillance des populations de salamandres dans l'Indiana
Citation :
Woodland Salamander Field Technician
Citation :
Purdue University, Dept. Forestry and Natural Resources
Citation :
Yellowwood and Morgan-Monroe State Forests, Indiana
Citation :
Job Description:
One field technician is needed to assist in studying the effects of silvicultural treatments on the abundance and species richness of terrestrial salamanders in Indiana. Work will be conducted as part of the Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment (http://www.fnr.purdue.edu/HEE), a long-term assessment of ecosystem responses to silvicultural treatments being conducted as a cooperative venture involving scientists at Purdue University and other partners. Duties will include 1) checking cover objects for salamanders; 2) weighing, measuring, and marking salamanders with visible implant elastomer; 3) conducting surveys for downed woody debris; 4) collecting habitat data such as canopy cover, leaf litter depth, and soil moisture; and 5) data entry. The position will last from approximately mid-February to approximately mid-May (start and end dates somewhat flexible), with a possible extension to mid- August. Camp-style field housing and in-field transportation will be provided. P!
lease send a brief letter of interest, indicating your dates of availability, a resume, and contact information of three references to:
Qualifications: The nature of this work requires applicants be in good physical condition and have the capability to work independently in adverse environments including cold, heat, humidity, thorns, and biting insects. Experience with visible implant elastomer is preferred but not required. Experience with GPS, large 4-wheel drive vehicles, maps and orienteering are also preferred but not required. Only motivated and responsible individuals interested in gaining valuable and unique experience in the field of applied wildlife ecology should apply. A valid driver’s license and good driving record are required.
Salary: $9.00/hr + field housing
Closing Date: 15 February 2011 or until position is filled
Jami MacNeil
(207) 651-7185

3. Analyste pour l'IUCN et le World Heritage Program
Pour ceux qui ne le sauraient pas, l'IUCN est l'ONG pour la conservation de la nature la plus ancienne et la plus sérieuse, avec le plus de fonds, de sérieux et d'indépendance, reconnus depuis des dizaines d'années. A côté de l'IUCN, le WWF fait office de petits amateurs extrémistes.....Smile
Citation :
GIS Analyst

Status: Open (currently receiving applications)

Vacancy #: 212
Unit: World Heritage Programme
Location: Species Programme Office, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Reporting to: Head, World Heritage
Work percentage: 100%
Function group: P1
Expected start date: 01 March 2011
Type of contract: Max-term (until 28 February 2012)
Closing date: 12 February 2011


IUCN, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, is looking to recruit a full-time GIS Analyst. The position will be based within the UNEP-WCMC Protected Areas Programme in Cambridge, UK on a secondment basis. The remit of this position is to provide GIS and remote sensing support to IUCN’s World Heritage Programme in the evaluation of candidate World Heritage Sites and the monitoring of the 207 existing natural and mixed World Heritage Sites. The main duties involve reviewing and updating the spatial and attribute information in the World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) World Heritage layer, performing spatial analyses to support research projects and publications, and responding to requests for data generation, management and dissemination.

UNESCO’s World Heritage Convention aims to protect the world’s remaining natural and cultural places of Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) to humanity as a whole, including iconic sites like the Galapagos Islands, the Serengeti, and the Great Barrier Reef. IUCN has a key role in the World Heritage Convention as the Advisory Body for natural and mixed sites. This role mainly involves four functions: (1) evaluating new natural and mixed properties which are proposed for inscription on the World Heritage List; (2) monitoring the state of conservation of existing natural and mixed World Heritage properties; (3) promoting a range of training and capacity building initiatives; and (4) providing guidance on the strategic implementation of the Convention. In undertaking this role IUCN draws on its expertise within the IUCN Programme on Protected Areas, and the World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) and from other programmes and Commissions as appropriate.

1.Review all World Heritage boundary shapefiles in the WDPA, determine which require updating, and update these shapefiles as necessary. This involves tracking and gathering the most up-to-date boundary shapefiles from various sources, or digitizing site maps where no digital boundary data is available.

2.Work in close collaboration with UNEP-WCMC’s WDPA team, IUCN World Heritage Programme and UNESCO World Heritage Centre to ensure that the WDPA includes an accurate and up-to-date World Heritage layer, and support communication with these and other relevant organizations.

3.Perform spatial analysis to support research projects and publications, and respond to requests from the IUCN World Heritage Unit for spatial data generation, management and dissemination related to nominations and monitoring.

4.Develop cartographic products for scientific publications, technical reports and other outputs.

5.Compile and analyse remote sensing data to aid evaluation of candidate World Heritage sites and monitoring of existing World Heritage Sites.

6.Develop data analysis solutions, methodologies and databases for specific research projects and develop and document standards for data analysis and management.

• Degree level or above qualification and previouswork experience in GIS, geography, computer science, information systems, engineering, environmental science or a related field.
• Ability and commitment to work accurately and with attention to detail.
• Ability to work independently.
• Experience in the ESRI suite of software, particularly working knowledge of ArcGIS Desktop and extensions such as Spatial Analyst, Image Analyst as well as other ESRI software products
• Working knowledge and experience with ESRI geodatabase schema and behavior, as well as an understanding of relational databases and Structured Query Language.
• Experience with either ERDAS Imagine, GRASS or IDRISI.
• Working knowledge of Python as the ESRI geoscripting language.
• Experience with open source GIS would be an asset.
• Knowledge of MS Access 2007 or PostGreSQL will be beneficial.
• A keen interest in the natural world and biodiversity conservation and report production skills would be a distinct advantage, but is not essential.
•Applicants must provide details of whether or not they are eligible to work in the UK. If not eligible at present, but they have applied for a work permit/visa, details of the application (particularly the Tier of Visa) must be provided.
The gross annual salary for this position is in the range from GBP 26'100 to GBP 32'625.
Applicants are requested to apply online through the HR Management System, by opening the vacancy announcement and pressing the "Apply" button.

Applicants will be asked to create an account and submit their profile information. Applications will not be accepted after the closing date. The vacancy closes at midnight, Swiss time (GMT+1 / GMT+2 during Daylight Saving Time, DST).

Other job opportunities are published in the IUCN website: http://www.iucn.org/involved/jobs/
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Alias Super Tomate, Fouine-fourche, je fouine et j'enfourche...mon gros cube ! (Administratrice)

Nombre de messages : 37079
Féminin Age : 49
Localisation : Grenoble (38)
Loisirs/Humeur : Le rire c'est de la merde.... ça n'arrête pas les balles.
Date d'inscription : 07/09/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Aider la recherche ou bosser dedans...   Aider la recherche ou bosser dedans... Icon_minitimeJeu 27 Jan 2011, 11:57

Merci pour ces offres !!!! cheers
Ca rejoint mes anciens souvenirs de stages de fin d'études : en bio les stages sont payants, en informatique ils sont rémunérés... ayaya
Fenchurch flower



3.4.0 Rhacodactylus ciliatus NC
2.1.0 Ptychozoon kuhli  NC
1.3.1 Ranitomeya (lamasi) sirensis NC
1.0.0 Agalychnis callidryas NC
1.0.0 Hypselotriton orientalis NC
7.3.9 Neurergus kaiseri NC - CDC
3.0.6 Triturus dobrogicus ssp. NC - CDC
0.0.7 Triturus marmoratus NC - CDC
1.0.0 Python regius NC (Adedayo)
0.1.0 Felis silvestris catus NC (Gally)
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Vulgarisateur touche-à-tout taxonomico-dépendant et Gardien d'éthique (et tac !)

Nombre de messages : 2027
Masculin Age : 46
Date d'inscription : 11/12/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Aider la recherche ou bosser dedans...   Aider la recherche ou bosser dedans... Icon_minitimeMar 08 Fév 2011, 11:54

Etudier Lithobates yavapaiensis en Arizona....

Citation :
Job - Leading Field activities in support of a research project related to identifying the distribution and habitat use of the lowland leopard frog and the Colorado River toad along the lower Colorado River, from Yuma, Arizona, to Laughlin, Nevada

SALARY GRADE 18 ($31,110-$53,107)

Description of Duties: Primary duty will involve leading field activities in support of a research project related to identifying the distribution and habitat use of the lowland leopard frog and the Colorado River toad along the lower Colorado River, from Yuma, Arizona, to Laughlin, Nevada. The successful candidate will be required to review and summarize scientific literature; develop study plans and work schedules; coordinate project activities with cooperators and other resource management agencies; supervise field technicians; manage and analyzing data using PC software; write reports and manuscripts for journal submission; and make presentations at professional meetings and to general audiences. This position may also assist with other ongoing projects taking place statewide that include monitoring bat use of abandoned mines and artificial roosts, trapping and monitoring wild turkeys, and surveying songbirds.

Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities: The candidate will have knowledge of experimental and scientific research concepts and be able to follow standardized field protocols. The preferred candidate will have an understanding of and experience with techniques related to wildlife survey, capture, and marking, especially of amphibians and/or reptiles (e.g., visual and auditory surveys, pitfall traps, toe-clipping). Experience working along the lower Colorado River or other desert riparian system will be viewed favorably. The successful candidate will have the ability to organize and lead a field crew consisting of 2-4 people, have the knowledge to use various field equipment (e.g., GPS units, small motorboats, 4 wheel drive vehicles), and write formal technical reports and professional manuscripts for publication in peer-refereed journals. The successful candidate will have the ability to work in an often challenging field environment where average temperatures can range from be!
low freezing to above 100˚F and where duties will necessitate a great deal of travel and living in remote field settings. In addition, the candidate must be willing to work on a variety of wildlife-related projects, with assignments having the potential to change on a weekly basis. The candidate must have a bachelor’s degree in a wildlife science or a closely related field from an accredited college or university. A master’s degree is preferred A medical/physical evaluation is required prior to appointment.

Après, il y a une place de responsable des collections herpéto au Zoo du Bronx, mais il faut une certaine expérience...
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Vulgarisateur touche-à-tout taxonomico-dépendant et Gardien d'éthique (et tac !)

Nombre de messages : 2027
Masculin Age : 46
Date d'inscription : 11/12/2007

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MessageSujet: Salamandres dans le Kentucky   Aider la recherche ou bosser dedans... Icon_minitimeVen 20 Mai 2011, 10:46

Watershed Studies Institute and Department of Biological Sciences
Murray State University

The postdoctoral associate will conduct research on the evolutionary ecology of polyphenic salamanders, help mentor graduate and undergraduate research students, and teach one introductory biology course per semester. PhD required; previous experience with amphibian ecology, field experiments, and/or matrix modeling is preferred.

This is a two-year position starting August 1; salary is $32,000/year with benefits. Murray is a vibrant, highly rated public university with a strong commitment toward excellence in teaching and research, and significant infrastructure and personnel dedicated to ecological studies.

To apply, email a letter of interest detailing research goals and experience, curriculum vitae, several representative reprints, and two letters of recommendation by MAY 30 to Dr. Howard Whiteman at howard.whiteman@murraystate.edu

Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Murray State University is an equal education and employment opportunity, M/F/D, AA employer.

Howard H. Whiteman/Department of Biological Sciences
Murray State University/Murray, Kentucky 42071-0009
Phone: (270) 809-6753/FAX: (270) 809-2788
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Vulgarisateur touche-à-tout taxonomico-dépendant et Gardien d'éthique (et tac !)

Nombre de messages : 2027
Masculin Age : 46
Date d'inscription : 11/12/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Aider la recherche ou bosser dedans...   Aider la recherche ou bosser dedans... Icon_minitimeLun 20 Juin 2011, 11:10

HE LES ETUDIANTS EN BIOLOGIE ! Vous aimez les tortues marines ?

Citation :
3) Apply Now for the Fall 2011 Sea Turtle Rehabilitation and Husbandry Internship in beautiful Clearwater, Florida!

Clearwater Marine Aquarium is home to three species of sea turtles in our permanent resident collection. We also have a prolific stranding response, rehabilitation and release program, including housing one of 4 ICU facilities in the state of Florida that responds to and treats turtles with fibropapilloma disease. On average, CMA admits and treats up to 60 sea turtles per year, with record years in the 200 count.

The Sea Turtle Rehabilitation and Husbandry internship offered at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium (CMA) gives candidates a hands-on learning experience caring for sea turtles currently undergoing rehabilitation, as well as sea turtles that remain as permanent residents at CMA. Interns will be able to assist in diet preparation, feeding, record keeping, exhibit maintenance, water quality, behavioral observations, medical examinations and procedures as well as enrichment. There is also a chance to participate in stranding response, SCUBA, stingray feeding and tank maintenance and research data collection and processing. Interns will also assist in giving public presentations to guests of CMA; educating them about these protected and endangered species. Candidates should be able to perform physically demanding duties, work odd hours and long shifts, be comfortable in all depths of water and able to work in inclement weather, especially hot and humid conditions.

Candidates should be able to perform physically demanding duties, work odd hours and long shifts, be comfortable in all depths of water and able to work in inclement weather. Candidates can be currently enrolled in a two to four-year college program in veterinary science, biology, marine biology, environmental science, or another related field, or be a recent college graduate from a program of the same experience. There is a 500 hour minimum commitment in order to complete the internship requirements. For internship application, please go to http://www.SeeWinter.com under Get Involved.

Deadline for application have been extended to 5pm on June 17, 2011.
Please send all completed applications to Dawn Desantis, HR Administrator, Clearwater Marine Aquarium, 249 Windward Passage, Clearwater, FL 33767.
Any questions, please email Dawn Desantis at ddesantis@cmaquarium.org, or Danielle O’Neil, Director of Marine Turtle Programs at doneil@cmaquarium.org
Citation :

The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, the largest natural history museum in the western United States and a national leader in exhibitions, education and research, seeks a curator specializing in the study of herpetofauna to oversee its extensive collection of herpetological specimens. Currently the museum is undergoing a dramatic and exciting transformation involving development of new exhibitions, outside teaching-learning gardens and a nature lab. Foremost in the museum’s mission is creating experiences embodied by the phrase ‘where research and collections meet the visitor experience.’ The desired candidate will have high-level communication skills and an innate ability to engage and enthuse the public and stakeholders through his or her work.

The museum houses and oversees a world-class collection of herpetofauna, with collection strengths in plethodontid salamanders, dendrobatid and leptodactylid frogs, and anguid, teiid, and xantusid lizards of the New World, particularly Central America and the deserts of Mexico and the Southwestern United States. The collection has potential for a broad array of research and public programs both within and outside of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. The successful candidate will be responsible for creating a dynamic and productive program of research to build a growing scientific and public profile, overseeing the development and curation of this important collection, maintaining and strengthening the museum’s presence in key professional and governmental networks, and actively collaborating with other sections of the museum to educate and communicate with our visitors.

The successful candidate will have a Ph.D., will have a strong track record of published research with strengths in the field of evolutionary biology of herpetofauna, and will be expected to build an active and publicly engaging research program, develop working relationships with local universities, mentor students, and maintain research through obtaining competitive grants and/or funding from other sources. He or she must have vision and capability to enhance the herpetology program, shape the collections and research in ways that increase both their scientific and public appeal, and have collections management experience relevant to the role. A record of general publications for wider readership would be an advantage.

The ability to effectively communicate and engage with a wide variety of audiences, including the public and the museum’s various stakeholders is paramount. The successful candidate will be expected to participate in a broad range of museum activities including exhibits programs, educational outreach activities, and advancement activities. He or she will interact and maintain relationships with professional associations, educators and other relevant organizations within the scientific and regional communities.

This is a full-time position with a salary commensurate with experience, plus excellent benefits. The starting date is 1 October 2011. Review of applications begins immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Applicants should send a cover letter, resume, salary history, and the names of three referees to the

Human Resources Office
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
900 Exposition Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90007

via the museum web site at:


The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Citation :

Resource Staff Scientist
Conservation Headquarters
Missouri Department of Conservation
Jefferson City, Missouri

Salary Range: $35724 - $62952
Beginning Salary: $35724 - $37128 depending upon qualification.

Successful applicant provides the primary coordination of long-term Hellbender monitoring including coordination of field activities (surveys, personnel, and equipment). Conducts and coordinates data collection and data entry, manages and archives data sets related to Hellbender monitoring. Supervises and trains hourly employees to assist with data collection. Ensures collection, compilation, and entry of Hellbender data into Heritage EOR format and submits for QA/QC. Assists herpetologist with other Hellbender -related projects and planning as needed. Assists with design and preparation of research proposals, cooperative agreements, including joint management/research and interagency projects. Assists with the preparation of grant proposals to support work that will compile and interpret long-term Hellbender data. Compiles, tabulates, and analyzes data and creates images and graphs using established procedures for Hellbender monitoring; coordinates statistical analysis with!
Resource Science and coordinate with other support and management staff as necessary. Facilitates data transfer to the resource scientists and database managers. Prepares annual and special reports concerning progress on Hellbender monitoring and other related Hellbender research studies. Assists in preparation of popular articles, scientific manuscripts and papers, and makes presentations at intra- and interstate technical meetings and workshops with other state resource managers and scientists as related to Hellbender monitoring. Stays current on relevant ecological literature, including new or improved methods for monitoring, and conducts literature searches as required. Assists herpetologist with other relevant herpetofaunal surveys and projects. Assists with other projects seeking understanding of stream ecology and factors that influence stream life. Responds to public contacts (phone, e-mail, and letters) as necessary. Assists other Resource Science and other divisi!
onal personnel on projects as needed. Participates in Departme!
nt train
ing programs and serves on review teams and other special ad hoc committees. Develops professional skills through training, participation in professional meetings, conferences, and workshops. Performs other duties as required.

Graduation from an accredited college or university with a Bachelor’s Degree in Fisheries, Biological Sciences, Zoology or closely related subjects, and three (3) years of progressively responsible professional experience in scientific research or fisheries management; or an equivalent combination of education and experience. A working knowledge of herpetology, population biology or conservation biology and stream ecology is required. Technical experience with ArcView, statistical programs, and Microsoft Access is desirable.

Ability to:
Accept all responsibilities of the job and assigned tasks.
Use provided computer technology to enhance the quality of work and programs.
Keep focused on understanding, anticipating and responding to the needs of customers.
Administer financial resources in a manner that instills public trust and accomplishes the Department’s mission.
Accept change and new information and cope with job pressure and stress.
Identify internal and external politics that impact the work of the Department.
Define a problem, analyze relevant information, develop solutions and solve problems.
Maintain focus and intensity, and remain optimistic and persistent even under adversity.
Develop and sustain cooperative working relationships.
Demonstrate technical proficiency in areas of responsibility.
Create and sustain an atmosphere in which timely, quality information flows between self and others and to express facts and ideas in a convincing manner whether one-on-one or within or before groups.
Take a long-term view of the Department’s or Unit’s direction and articulate a vision that integrates key program goals, priorities, values and other factors.
Demonstrate regular and predictable attendance.
Maintain focus and intensity, and remain optimistic and persistent even under adversity.
Express oneself clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing.
Give overall guidance and direction to hourly staff and assure projects are carried out in achieving an efficient and productive operation.
Ability to swim and snorkel.
Ability to work outside in adverse weather conditions and perform tasks requiring strenuous physical activity.
Work out-of-doors in extreme hot or cold temperatures.
Use ArcView GIS software.
Operate a motor vehicle.
Obtain a valid Driver License by date of hire.
Operate canoe, boats and motors in safe and prudent manner.
Make multiple overnight trips on a weekly basis throughout the year.
Travel and work for up to two weeks away from official domicile.
Able to work long days (i.e., greater than eight hours), evenings, Saturdays and Sundays when needed. This position has been determined to be exempt according to the Fair Labor Standards Act. Employees must agree to accept compensatory time off in lieu of cash payments in accordance with the Department’s Compensatory Time Off and Overtime policy.

Smoking is prohibited in all owned, rented or leased Department of Conservation offices, buildings, and similar facilities, in Department aircraft, and in vehicles.

The Department of Conservation will hire only United States citizens and aliens authorized to work in the United States. All new employees will be required to complete an "Employment Eligibility Verification" (Form I-9) and produce requested documentation after employment.

Candidates seeking initial employment must submit to a drug screen following offer of employment.
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Vulgarisateur touche-à-tout taxonomico-dépendant et Gardien d'éthique (et tac !)

Nombre de messages : 2027
Masculin Age : 46
Date d'inscription : 11/12/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Aider la recherche ou bosser dedans...   Aider la recherche ou bosser dedans... Icon_minitimeMer 17 Aoû 2011, 15:25

Assistant scientifique au AMNH
Citation :

The Division of Vertebrate Zoology at the American Museum of Natural History seeks a full time Scientific Assistant who will contribute to collection care and maintenance across the Division. Duties will include a major responsibility for maintaining the osteological preparation laboratory and skeleton preparation, general curatorial duties in all vertebrate collections (ornithology, mammalogy, HERPETOLOGY, ichthyology). Other duties as assigned.


BA/BSc in biology or related field is required. Museum experience, computer skills, and a background in vertebrate skeletal morphology and specimen preparation are highly desirable. Familiarity with integrated pest management techniques is a plus. The successful applicant will be expected to have good manual dexterity and time-management skills.

Hours: 35 hours/week

Me contacter par MP
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Vulgarisateur touche-à-tout taxonomico-dépendant et Gardien d'éthique (et tac !)

Nombre de messages : 2027
Masculin Age : 46
Date d'inscription : 11/12/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Aider la recherche ou bosser dedans...   Aider la recherche ou bosser dedans... Icon_minitimeJeu 10 Nov 2011, 17:13

Etudier les Tortues du Désert, Gopherus agassizii
Citation :

We are seeking a motivated graduate student to join our research team in studying the ecology of juvenile Desert Tortoises. As part of a long-term head-starting program initiated this year, we are interested in a student who will study habitat selection of wild and released head-started juvenile desert tortoises. The goal of the habitat selection research is to identify factors that promote juvenile recruitment and survivorship in the wild, guide the selection of release sites for head-started Desert Tortoises, and inform sustainable energy development to minimize impact to critical habitat features in the Mojave Desert.

The incumbent would be joining a team currently composed of three faculty researchers and a PhD student, all active in this research at the study site. The incumbent would be expected to design and focus his or her research on the development of a juvenile habitat selection model and to assist the research team with complementary aspects of the project, including husbandry of captive juvenile Desert Tortoises.

The ideal candidate would possess prior field experience with Desert Tortoises and their habitat to facilitate permitting in the state of California, GIS skills, and an interest in applied conservation.

The field work will be based in the Mojave National Preserve. The assistantship, through the University of California, Davis, Department of Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology, covers one academic quarter and summer quarter each year (stipend and tuition fees). A successful applicant must be competitive in the admissions process for the Graduate Group in Ecology at UC Davis as support for remaining academic quarters are expected to come from teaching assistantships during the non-field season.

The application deadline for the Graduate Group in Ecology at UC Davis is 15 December 2011.

Me contacter par MP
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Vulgarisateur touche-à-tout taxonomico-dépendant et Gardien d'éthique (et tac !)

Nombre de messages : 2027
Masculin Age : 46
Date d'inscription : 11/12/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Aider la recherche ou bosser dedans...   Aider la recherche ou bosser dedans... Icon_minitimeVen 25 Nov 2011, 10:52

Vu sur un autre forum, un job en Suisse : http://www.le-monde-des-reptiles.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=180068
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Vulgarisateur touche-à-tout taxonomico-dépendant et Gardien d'éthique (et tac !)

Nombre de messages : 2027
Masculin Age : 46
Date d'inscription : 11/12/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Aider la recherche ou bosser dedans...   Aider la recherche ou bosser dedans... Icon_minitimeLun 26 Déc 2011, 14:49

Citation :
Title: Field Technician Agency: Fitzgerald Lab, Wildlife & Fisheries Science Dept., TAMU Location: Maljamar, New Mexico, U.S.A. Job Description: The laboratory of Dr. Lee A. Fitzgerald is seeking two highly motivated individuals with strong organizational skills to serve as field technicians. This position begins in April and ends in September, 2012.

Primary duties include: general equipment maintenance, processing of wild caught animals (lizards and snakes), and clear communication with supervisor and other technicians regarding tasked duties. Following a thorough introduction and familiarization period (one-two weeks), technician must be capable of performing tasks independently. All work will be conducted out of a field station in Maljamar, NM. Daily schedule revolves around routine checking of pit(fall) traps in the deserts of southern New Mexico.

Qualifications: Minimum requirements: High School Diploma or GED with 2 years of coursework in the life sciences. Ideal candidate will: be in their last year of coursework leading to a B.S. in the life sciences (experience in herpetology is desired), have prior field experience, and most importantly, have a desire to conduct field biological work under harsh conditions.

Last Date to apply: Application review will begin on February 15, 2012.
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Vulgarisateur touche-à-tout taxonomico-dépendant et Gardien d'éthique (et tac !)

Nombre de messages : 2027
Masculin Age : 46
Date d'inscription : 11/12/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Aider la recherche ou bosser dedans...   Aider la recherche ou bosser dedans... Icon_minitimeMer 19 Juin 2013, 09:54

Si vous aimez les grenouilles...
Citation :

From Dr. Emily Moriarty Lemmon
Department of Biological Science
Florida State University
Position Description:
A postdoctoral position (up to two years) is available in the laboratory of Dr. Emily Moriarty Lemmon to collaborate on an NSF- funded project to study the effect of community interactions on evolution of male reproductive signals and female preferences in chorus frogs (Pseudacris) and the genetic consequences for speciation.
The postdoctoral scientist will lead a team of graduate students and field technicians to conduct fieldwork across the southeastern United States and perform behavioral experiments in a portable lab during the spring field seasons (approximately two months per year). Outside of the field season, the postdoctoral scholar will analyze behavioral data, genotype samples, and collect high-throughput sequencing data via anchored phylogenomics.
The postdoctoral researcher will have the opportunity to gain training in high-throughput data collection for phylogenomics and population genetics, analysis of phylogenetic data, bioinformatics, and behavioral ecology.
The ideal candidate will have field experience with frogs, experience conducting behavioral experiments, training in molecular biology, and computational experience. However, applicants with some combination of the above qualifications will also be considered. The start-date for this position will be Fall 2013 (exact date flexible), and salary will be competitive.
Dr. Lemmon will be attending the Evolution 2013 meetings June 21-26. Qualified applicants should specify whether they will be available for an interview during these meetings. Other applicants will be contacted as needed.
Minimum Qualifications:
· A Ph.D. in biology, molecular biology, or a related field with a focus on evolution
· Previous research experience and a strong publication record
· Extensive field experience, preferably with amphibians
· Ability to communicate clearly, work efficiently and independently, interact collaboratively, and lead a field team
Additional Preferred Qualifications: · Molecular biology and genetics training (e.g., phylogenetics, population genetics, phylogeography)
· Computational experience
· Experience in high-throughput sequencing
· Experience conducting behavioral studies
Application Deadline:
15 July 2013 (or until filled).
Start date:
Fall 2013 (exact date flexible up to December).
To Apply:
Application materials consisting of (1) a CV, (2) a statement of research interests and experience including how previous experience relates to the position description (2 page max), and (3) contact information for three references must be submitted to [url=mailto:chorusfrog@bio.fsu.edu]chorusfrog@bio.fsu.edu[/url]. Review of applications will begin June 21, 2013 and will continue until the position is filled. Informal inquiries are welcome. General information about the lab can be found at http://www.bio.fsu.edu/chorusfrog/index.html.
About Florida State University:
The successful applicant will be affiliated with the Department of Biological Science (http://www.bio.fsu.edu/) and will also interact with the Department of Scientific Computing (http://www.sc.fsu.edu/), and the College of Medicine (http://med.fsu.edu/). These groups collaborate extensively on evolutionary, behavioral, statistical, mathematical, genomic, and computational projects. The postdoctoral researcher will join this community of highly interactive research laboratories. Florida State University is located in capital city Tallahassee on the Florida Panhandle immediately adjacent to the Apalachicola National Forest, which is the largest national forest in Florida (nearly 900 sq. mi.). The forest borders the Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve, which is one of the most productive estuarine systems in the Northern Hemisphere. The Apalachicola River basin contains the highest herpetofaunal diversity in the U.S. and Canada.
The researcher chosen will become part of the integrative laboratory groups of Emily Moriarty Lemmon and Alan Lemmon at Florida State University. The Lemmons collaborate extensively on projects involving collection of high-throughput phylogenomic data and on the development of new approaches to analysis of these data.
More information is available at these websites:
Courtesy CNAH
From David Pike
Ph.D. studentships in Amphibian Disease Ecology at James Cook University
We have funding from the Australian Research Council to support 2-3
exceptional PhD students who will work on a collaborative project
investigating amphibian disease in northern Australia. The disease
chytridiomycosis caused declines, local extirpations, and probably global
extinctions of many species of rainforest frogs in the Wet Tropics of
northern Queensland during initial outbreaks in the late 1980s and early to
mid 1990s. 
Our research group was the first to notice and document these declines, and
we have been studying them intensively for over 20 years.  We have
discovered that the interactions between the amphibian chytrid fungus
(Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, Bd) and frogs are very complex.  Frogs’
behaviour affects their exposure to transmission of the infection, and
whether infected frogs simply carry the infection asymptomatically or
develop severe disease and die is affected by their choice of
microenvironment.  The effects of infections are also influenced by
antimicrobial secretions produced by frogs’ skins; our work on these shows
they may have evolved to increase the resistance of some populations to the
disease.  We are now also working on how the fate of infected frogs can be
modified by other microbes inhabiting their skins; we have shown that many
bacteria that live on frogs produce metabolites that fight Bd infections,
and it may be possible to probiotically manipulate them to reduce the
susceptibility of frogs in nature. 
Although many populations of frogs seem to be secure, because we do not as
yet understand how combinations of environmental factors affect the
vulnerability of populations to decline, it is entirely possible that a new
wave of population crashes could occur as weather and climate conditions
shift in the near future.  We are seeking students to participate in the
current phase of our work, which is focused on gaining a thorough
understanding of exactly what determines the tipping point beyond which a
mild, common infection becomes an epidemic outbreak of a fatal disease.
Our group has collaborative links with other researchers worldwide; these
have been highly productive of ideas and publications (see for example Prof.
Alford’s research portfolio and publication links, below), and mean that our
students have a range of opportunities available upon completion.  Recent
Ph.D. graduates in this field supervised by Prof. Alford are presently
academic or research staff or postdocs at New Mexico State University, the
Australian Museum, Plymouth University (UK), and the University of Colorado,
and have previously had postdoctoral positions funded by the Australian
Research Council, Vanderbilt University, the University of California,
Berkeley, and the University of Zurich, among other institutions.
Projects (field-based, laboratory-based, or both) will focus on any of these
1. Determining how chytridiomycosis affects populations by measuring fitness
and mortality rates of infected and uninfected frogs in populations
coexisting with endemic Bd infections.
2. Determining the relationship between frog microenvironment selection and
behaviour and fine-scale infection dynamics, to determine rates of
transmission and loss of infections, persistence of the pathogen in
environmental reservoirs, and what causes the population of pathogens on an
individual host to increase to the point of causing morbidity or mortality,
persist at lower levels, or disappear.
3. Determining whether frogs that have reappeared at sites from which they
were extirpated have recolonised or recovered in situ, and what changes in
the host-pathogen system have allowed them to do this.
4. Developing and performing preliminary tests of techniques that may favour
coexistence of frogs with the pathogen, and develop recommendations for
conservation actions.
Students should be available to start in February 2014 and will be based at
James Cook University in Townsville, Australia. We will only accept students
who obtain PhD scholarships, which cover living expenses (ca.
AU$24,600K/year) and tuition. Scholarships are highly but not impossibly
competitive, and are awarded to students with these minimum qualifications:
1. A first class Honours degree, or a Master’s degree with a research
component.  In exceptional cases they have been awarded to international
students with Bachelor’s degrees, research experience, and high-quality
first-authored publications.
2. Very good to excellent grade point average
3. Research experience, in the field or laboratory
4. Strong recommendation letters
5. A first-authored peer-reviewed publication (this is particularly
important for international students; applicants with publications are much
more likely to obtain scholarships, but if you excel in other areas this is
not a strict requirement)
The scholarship deadline for international applicants is 31 August 2013, and
for domestic (Australian) applicants is 31 October 2013.
Please send a CV, one page cover letter detailing your experience and
interests, contact details for 3 references, and unofficial transcripts to
[url=mailto:david.pike22@gmail.com]david.pike22@gmail.com[/url] with “PhD position” in the subject line. We will
narrow down the pool of interested students and work with 2-3 individuals on
their scholarship applications. TO BE CONSIDERED, APPLICATION MATERIALS MUST
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Alias Super Tomate, Fouine-fourche, je fouine et j'enfourche...mon gros cube ! (Administratrice)

Nombre de messages : 37079
Féminin Age : 49
Localisation : Grenoble (38)
Loisirs/Humeur : Le rire c'est de la merde.... ça n'arrête pas les balles.
Date d'inscription : 07/09/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Aider la recherche ou bosser dedans...   Aider la recherche ou bosser dedans... Icon_minitimeMer 19 Juin 2013, 12:29

Merci Gwal !
C'est dommage que j'aie fini mes études depuis bien longtemps, j'aurais aimé ce genre de poste (bien que pour des raisons financières je n'aurais de toute façon sans doute pas pu...) Embarassed

Fenchurch flower



3.4.0 Rhacodactylus ciliatus NC
2.1.0 Ptychozoon kuhli  NC
1.3.1 Ranitomeya (lamasi) sirensis NC
1.0.0 Agalychnis callidryas NC
1.0.0 Hypselotriton orientalis NC
7.3.9 Neurergus kaiseri NC - CDC
3.0.6 Triturus dobrogicus ssp. NC - CDC
0.0.7 Triturus marmoratus NC - CDC
1.0.0 Python regius NC (Adedayo)
0.1.0 Felis silvestris catus NC (Gally)
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Expert Brillant et Grandement Apprécié

Nombre de messages : 1302
Masculin Age : 39
Localisation : Dans Lézard'N
Emploi : Avant j'etais ebeniste, mais ça c'etait avant
Date d'inscription : 13/05/2013

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MessageSujet: Re: Aider la recherche ou bosser dedans...   Aider la recherche ou bosser dedans... Icon_minitimeMer 19 Juin 2013, 13:59

Même si je parle anglais comme une vache espagnole groçgaf Merci de faire partager tes annonces komça
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Oh putain fouettez-moi. Bon, c'est décidé, je suis double-boulet ... [Apprentie Piloupilou]

Nombre de messages : 2768
Féminin Age : 31
Localisation : Beaune (21)
Loisirs/Humeur : Bisounours mordeur.
Date d'inscription : 23/11/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: Aider la recherche ou bosser dedans...   Aider la recherche ou bosser dedans... Icon_minitimeDim 23 Juin 2013, 20:51

Merci pour ces annonces! Very Happy
Ca donne envie...mais j'ai fait un an de fac en psycho.

Peut-être que j'irai en bio dans un an ou deux. pirouli
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Alias Super Tomate, Fouine-fourche, je fouine et j'enfourche...mon gros cube ! (Administratrice)

Nombre de messages : 37079
Féminin Age : 49
Localisation : Grenoble (38)
Loisirs/Humeur : Le rire c'est de la merde.... ça n'arrête pas les balles.
Date d'inscription : 07/09/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Aider la recherche ou bosser dedans...   Aider la recherche ou bosser dedans... Icon_minitimeMar 25 Juin 2013, 14:06

Bonjour à tous !
La page des offres d'emploi et de stages de la SHF !


L'Australian Research Council propose de financer 2-3 étudiants en thèse qui devront travailler sur un projet collaboratif visant à mieux connaître les maladies des amphibiens dans le nord de l'Australie.

Le délai de candidature pour les candidats étrangers est fixé au 31 août 2013 et pour les candidats australiens au 31 octobre 2013.

Les personnes intéressées devront envoyer un CV accompagné d'une lettre de motivation d'une page précisant l'expérience du candidat et son intérêt pour le sujet, ainsi que les coordonnées de trois références (traduction anglaise des pièces en français svp) à david.pike22@gmail.com avec la mention “PhD position” dans le sujet du mail.

Pour des questions plus précises concernant ces postes, merci de contacter ross.alford@jcu.edu.au ; des informations supplémentaires sont aussi disponibles à http://wfscjobs.tamu.edu/jobs/ph-d-studentships-in-amphibian-disease-ecology-at-james-cook-university-australia/

Fenchurch flower



3.4.0 Rhacodactylus ciliatus NC
2.1.0 Ptychozoon kuhli  NC
1.3.1 Ranitomeya (lamasi) sirensis NC
1.0.0 Agalychnis callidryas NC
1.0.0 Hypselotriton orientalis NC
7.3.9 Neurergus kaiseri NC - CDC
3.0.6 Triturus dobrogicus ssp. NC - CDC
0.0.7 Triturus marmoratus NC - CDC
1.0.0 Python regius NC (Adedayo)
0.1.0 Felis silvestris catus NC (Gally)
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Vulgarisateur touche-à-tout taxonomico-dépendant et Gardien d'éthique (et tac !)

Nombre de messages : 2027
Masculin Age : 46
Date d'inscription : 11/12/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Aider la recherche ou bosser dedans...   Aider la recherche ou bosser dedans... Icon_minitimeLun 09 Nov 2015, 20:51

Pas vraiment de la recherche, mais pour les plongeurs et amoureux de la Floride, bosser avec l'aquarium Clearwater pour la maintenance des tortues marines :

Citation :
To apply: email cover letter and resume to Dawn De Santis, Vice President of Human Resources (ddesantis@cmaquarium.org). No calls or walk-ins, please. Potential candidates will be contacted with interview details.

POSITION TITLE: Associate Sea Turtle Biologist

REPORTS TO: Manager Sea Turtles & Aquatic Biology




PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS: Able to lift minimum 50 pounds, be comfortable in water, work in extreme weather conditions (hot, humid, rain)


Associate Biologist will assist in all aspects of the Sea Turtle & Aquatic Biology Department, including sea turtle nesting.


Assist in the care of resident sea turtles including: food preparation, exhibit maintenance, water quality, animal records and routine medical care.
Assist in the rehabilitation of sea turtles including all aspects of animal medical care, medical records and release.
Follow all Florida Fish and Wildlife (FWC) requirements for all aspect of sea turtles, knowledge of permitting and reporting for FWC.
Demonstrated ability to educate the public about the impact of lighting, beach debris, habitat destruction, and marine pollution with regard to sea turtles.
Assist in the life support systems and water quality
Training volunteers and interns.
Assist in veterinary procedures.
Assist in sea turtle and marine mammal stranding events.
Participate in scientific sea turtle research projects that may be identified
Assist with exhibit upkeep and enrichment design


Scuba and CPR certifications required
BS degree with emphasis on Biology, Environmental Science or Zoology
Computer skills and knowledge of Microsoft office
Strong people skills
A team-oriented attitude
Minimum 1 year in Animal Care/ Rehabilitation
Must hold a valid Florida drivers license


REPORTS TO: Manager Sea Turtles & Aquatic Biology




PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS: Able to lift minimum 50 pounds, be comfortable in water, work in extreme weather conditions (hot, humid, rain)


To care for all the animals within the Sea Turtle & Aquatic Biology division, Train other staff members and volunteers in the daily responsibilities within the department. Conduct public presentation to educate our guests about our animals and our mission.


Assist in all aspects of sea turtle nesting including: surveys, nest relocation, caging, hatchling release, nest monitoring and inventory and staff/interns/volunteer training and supervision.
Assist in the care of aquatic animals including: food preparation, exhibit maintenance, water quality, and routine medical care.
Assist in the rehabilitation of sea turtles including food preparation, tube feedings, injections, wound care, and blood draw.
Maintaining paper and computer records for all areas in the department.
Capable of identifying species of aquatic animals including but not limited to fish, invertebrates, sea turtles etc.
Capable of identifying marine fish diseases and initiate treatment as prescribed by the veterinarian
Demonstrated ability to educate the public about the impact of lighting, beach debris, habitat destruction, and marine pollution with regard to sea turtles.
Must be able to conduct all water quality testing, life support operations as well as training staff/volunteers in the proper testing techniques and operations
Understand husbandry procedures and the use of behavior modification on aquatic animals
Assist in advanced veterinary procedures as needed.
Assist in sea turtle and marine mammal stranding events.
Work both individually and as a team
Participate in scientific research projects related to aquatic animals


BS degree with emphasis on Biology, Environmental Science or Zoology
Experience with Sea Turtle Nesting
Minimum 3 years experience in related field
Must possess a valid Florida drivers license
Strong people skills
A team oriented attitude
Must possess or have the ability to obtain a nationally recognized SCUBA and CPR certificate within one year of employment
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